Social Login

I am getting an error while logging in with Facebook. This URL Is Blocked. The URL has been blocked from Facebook.

3003 views July 1, 2019 17

You can set up the custom app for Facebook in the social login plugin so that the issue is altogether avoided. We have contacted Facebook regarding the blocked URL issue. We are awaiting their response.

Steps to set up custom app:

1. Go to the Custom app tab in the WordPress social login plugin.
2. Click on the Add Application button.
3. Select the facebook app in the dropdown list and follow the instructions to set up the app.

Instructions to configure Custom Facebook App :

1. Go to Facebook developers console Login with your facebook developer account.
2. Click on Create a New App/Add new App button.
3. Enter Display Name and click on Create App ID.
4. Click on Products from the left pane of the page and select Facebook Login and click on Set Up button.
5. Click on Web. Enter your site URL into Site URL option then click on Save.
6. Goto Settings -> Basic from the left pane of the page, Enter App Domain (eg., your privacy policy URL in Privacy Policy URL and select Category of your website. Then click on Save Changes.
7. From the left pane, select Facebook Login -> Settings.
8.Under Client OAuth Settings, enter {YouWebsiteURL}/openidcallback/{appname} (eg: login.xecurify/openidcallback/facebook ) in Valid OAuth redirect URIs and click Save Changes button.
9. Change your app status from In Development to Live by clicking on OFF (sliding button) beside Status option of the top right corner. Then, click on the Confirm button.
10. Go to Settings –> Basic. Copy the App ID and App Secret and Paste into the Facebook custom app tab in the plugin.
11. Input email, public_profile as scope.
12. Click on the Save settings button.

Please contact us at if you need help with the setup.

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