LDAP Authentication

Does the LDAP plugin support mapping multiple LDAP Groups to multiple Roles?

1227 views January 3, 2020 1

Yes, The LDAP plugin supports mapping multiple LDAP Groups to multiple wordpress Roles.

While Configuring User Role Mapping against LDAP Groups in Role Mapping tab. If user belongs to multiple groups, all mapped WordPress Role will be assigned to the user.

1. To map multiple WordPress Roles against multiple LDAP Groups specify the group name against the roles.

2. To map a wordpress role against multiple LDAP Groups, specify the group names against the role separated by semi-colon.

In the above screenshot, users of LDAP group “GroupA” and “GroupB” will be assigned Administrator role.

The users of LDAP group “wpadmins” and “GroupC”  will be assigned Author and Contributor roles respectively.

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