Social Login

Why do my users get a message that it is not secure to proceed?

190 views July 9, 2018 1

Your website must be starting with http://. Now generally that’s not an issue but our service uses https://( s stands for secure). You get a warning from the browser that the information is being passed insecurely. This happens after you log in to social media application and are coming back to your website. The warning is triggered from the browser since the data passes from https:// to http://, i.e. from a secure site to non-secure site.

We make sure that the information(email, name, username) getting passed from social media application to your website is encrypted with a key which is unique to you. So, even if the there is a warning of sending information without security, that information is encrypted.

To remove this warning, you can add an SSL certificate to your website to change it to https OR use your own custom app

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