OAuth / OpenID Connect

How can I renew my WordPress Firebase Authentication Plugin license?

248 views July 8, 2024 2

You must have received a renewal invoice on the email address associated with your miniOrange account.
 Note: If you have not received a renewal invoice, you can reach out to us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com.

  • If the invoice has been received, you can make the payment using either a credit card or bank transfer.
    Payment by Credit Card [USD] Payment by Bank Transfer
    1. Click here to login with miniOrange.
      Note: If you do not have an account with us, you can create a free account by clicking on Register with miniOrange on the login page.
    2. Fill in the amount as mentioned in the quote.
    3. Enter the Quote/Invoice Number as mentioned in the top right corner of the quote/invoice.
    4. Click on the Proceed to Payment button.
    5. Enter your card details and complete the payment.
  • Once your payment is confirmed and the license is renewed, go to the Account Setup tab in the plugin.
  • Click on the Update License Status button to update the license expiry in the plugin as well.
     Note: If the expiry date doesn’t update after clicking the button, feel free to get in touch with us at oauthsupport@xecurify.com.

update license status

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