OAuth / OpenID Connect

Getting error : ‘Username not received. Check your Attribute Mapping configuration.’ OR Getting Error : ‘Email not received. Check your Attribute Mapping configuration.’

3211 views January 3, 2020 12

Steps need to be followed:

  1. Once you save the plugin configuration, you will get the Test Configuration button.

  2. Click on Test Configuration button, you will get a login window to login into your provider/application.

  3. Once you are logged in, you will get the table with Attribute Names and Values.

  4. Now, go to Attribute/Role Mapping Tab, and map the attribute with Attribute Name provided in Test Configuration table, as shown in below screenshot.



Correct Attribute Mapping ✔

* Username ⇒ username   OR   Username ⇒ email

Incorrect Attribute Mapping ✘

* Username⇒ admin          OR   Username⇒ wp-dev2@mailinator.com

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