How to resolve the Fatal error: Cannot declare class, because the name is already in use?

1145 views September 23, 2024 0

A Joomla site can be either used as a Service Provider or an Identity Provider using the relevant SP or IDP plugin. You are facing this error probably because you have installed both the plugins on the same site.
In order to resolve this issue, please follow the below-mentioned steps:
Delete the following folders from your Joomla directory:

  1.   /libraries/miniorangejoomlaidpplugin
  2.   /libraries/miniorangesamlplugin
  3.   /plugins/system/samlredirect

Now you should be able to log into your Joomla site.

Remove the remaining extensions:

  1.      In your Joomla site administrator console, go to Extensions  ->  Manage  ->  Manage.
  2.      Search for ‘miniorange’
  3.      Select all extensions and click Uninstall

This will give some warnings but the extensions will be removed from your site. You can reinstall the plugin which you want to use. If you are not sure which one to use, please contact us at

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