SSO Issues

My Single Sign On was working perfectly. But all of a sudden, it just stopped working. Why ?

1517 views December 6, 2021 2

This generally happens when your Identity Provider changes their X.509 signing certificate after a few months.
The Premium and Enterprise version of our SAML SP SSO plugin for WordPress provides an IdP metadata auto-sync feature using which the plugin’s settings can be auto-updated after every fixed interval of time.

Steps to enable auto-sync IdP’s metadata in WordPress SAML SP SSO Premium/Enterprise plugin:

  1. Navigate to Service Provider Setup tab of the plugin and click on Upload IdP Metadata button.
  2. Enter the Identity Provider Name and metadata URL.
  3. Enable the Update IdP settings by pinging metadata URL option.
  4. Select a time interval for syncing the plugin’s configuration as per IdP metadata.
  5. Finally click on the Fetch Metadata button.
  6. If you are still facing the issue after enabling the above option, please drop us a mail at


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