OAuth / OIDC Single Sign On

I have Configured the module with Azure AD B2C. After I click on the logout in Drupal, it is not logging me out from Azure B2C.

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The logout functionality you’ve mentioned here is the default behavior of a module. It’s logging you out of Drupal but not from Azure AD B2C.
To allow the module to logout from Azure B2C’s account (what you are looking for), you need to make the below configurations:

  1. Navigate to the Signin settings tab of the Drupal OAuth Client. In the Redirect URL after Logout text field, you will have to enter the following URL: https://{tenant}.b2clogin.com/{tenant}.onmicrosoft.com/{policy-name}/oauth2/v2.0/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri={drupal-site-base-url and click on the Save Configuration button.
  2. In the Azure AD’s portal, navigate to the application that you have created. Click on the Authentication option from the left side. In the Front-channel logout URL, you will have to enter the same Drupal site base URL.

Now, you can try to perform the log-out from the Drupal site.

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