
How to add multiple App/SCIM Support in Atlassian applications?

271 views January 30, 2024 0

Synchronize the users from multiple user stores in Atlassian applications using miniOrange user sync. When user Identities are stored in different User stores it is a time-consuming process to reflect them in Atlassian applications like Jira and Confluence. It may cause errors in maintaining the access of the different projects and services. Here we will go through a guide to configure user provisioning between the Atlassian application and multiple Identity Providers. By the end of this guide, users from your Identity Providers should be registered in the Atlassian applications.


The use cases supported here:

  • User and Group Provisioning for Multiple Azure AD tenants.
  • User and Group Provisioning using multiple Identity Providers.


  • The Identity Provider should have the SCIM provisioning feature.

Step 1: Setup User and Group provisioning for single-tenant/ Identity Provider

       Step a: Setup SCIM for provisioning

Please follow the guides mentioned here to set up the SCIM for your identity provider/tenant.

Step 2: Setup another App for 2’nd Identity Provider or Tenant

To configure the second app, you don’t need to add any configurations in the plugin. Multiple app provisioning is possible through SCIM provisioning in the plugin. miniOrange User Sync/SCIM app provides SCIM Base URL and Bearer Token which is required to validate Authorization of API Call. These details are required to be added in the application at your Provider end. Whenever any CRUD operation is performed on the user, the Provider will send the appropriate response to the app and will validate the response. The further actions will be entirely based on the configurations set up by the administrator in the miniOrange UserSync/SCIM app.

Steps to follow:

  • Create the SCIM App on your identity provider end with the same base URL and bearer token which you used for the first application.
  • Enable provisioning for the second application that you have created.

Now you will be able to sync users and groups from multiple Identity providers/tenants using a single set of SCIM credentials.


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