Two-Factor Authentication

I have a 5 user license, and 5 users have already set up 2-factor. I want to free up the license of 2 users who have already set up 2-factor, and add new users instead, how do I do that?

281 views July 27, 2022 0

Click here to go to the miniOrange console, enter the credentials to log in with your miniOrange account.

    • Go to the miniOrange Dashboard and click on the Users tab. user-tab


    • You get user list here, search user whom you want to delete then click on select dropdown of that user, from that click on the


    • Now a new window will pop up for confirmation if you are sure to delete the user clicks on the Yes.delete-enduser


  • So that selected End User is deleted from your site. Now you can add new users with the same plan.

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