Two Factor Authentication

I have a soft token based 2FA method like Google / Authy / miniOrange Authenticator and I get Incorrect OTP even when I enter the correct OTP. What should I do?

245 views August 4, 2022 1

Please Sync mobile app with the server. You can follow the below mentioned steps to  Sync:

  •   For Android users:

Google Authenticator: Open Google Authenticator, click on the Menu ->Settings->Time correction for codes->Sync now.

miniOrange Authenticator: Open miniOrange Authenticator, click on Menu->Sync Time.


  •   For iPhone users:

Google Authenticator: Open Settings app, click on the General->Date&Time->Enable Set Automatically.

miniOrange Authenticator: Open miniOrange Authenticator, click on Menu->Settings ->Time Correction for codes -> Sync. 

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