Two-Factor Authentication

I want to allow user to login through external applications, how do I do that?

310 views July 27, 2022 1

    • Go to the miniOrange 2-Factor tab Click on the Login Settings tab.login-settings-tab


    • In the Login setting tab, you get Option for the XML-RPC Settings feature.xml-rpc


    • Now enable the checkbox of the XML-RCP Settings feature.enable-checkbox


    • Click on save


    • Now go to Setup Two Factor Tab and click on Generate password.generate-password


  • Copy the Password and click on Save
[User Experience]

  • Download the WordPress application from Playstore.


  • Then click on login option.login-to-wordpress-application


  • Now click on login by entering your site address option.<login-in-by-entering-your-site-address


  • Then enter the Site address


  • After that enter Username and 16 digits generated Password for App-specific feature of the site address and click on Next.enter-username-password


  • Now you can see in the image below, you can successfully get logged in to your site by third-party application.


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