
How to upgrade On-Premise to the latest version?

370 views September 11, 2022 2

  1. Download the latest version of miniOrange Identity Server from here.

  2. Go to mo-idp-server-*/moas

  3. Take a backup of moas folder.

  4. Go to mo-idp-server-*/moas/WEB_INF/classes/

  5. Take a backup of and license file.

  6. Take a backup of your database. If you have used embedded database, take a backup of database file in <tomcat-root>/data.

  7. Unzip the latest version of the Identity Server and paste it on the same place as the previous version, the concerned files will automatically get updated.

  8. Paste the and license file back to mo-idp-server/moas/WEB_INF/classes/

  9. Start the tomcat server.

  10. Login to your admin account and go to Settings>>Product Settings page. You should see the latest version of the miniOrange Identity Server.

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