OTP Verification

Is it possible to translate the plugin?

603 views July 1, 2019 4

Yes, just like WordPress, miniOrange OTP Verification plugin has built in capability to be used in any language. Please make sure that you have already configured WordPress in your Language before trying to translate the plugin.

My language file is missing?

If you cannot see your translation in the plugin then please consider contributing to the our translation project on WordPress.

How do I translate the files in my language?
  1. Go to https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/miniorange-otp-verification and select your preferred language e.g. Portuguese (Brazil)
  2. Select 'Stable (latest release)' or 'Development (trunk)' from the list.
  3. Go to the bottom of the page. Next to Import Translations select 'all current' as '.po' and click ‘Export’ and save this file to a folder on your computer.
  4. Do the same again this time selecting '.mo'.
  5. This file can be used to completely translate the plugin to your liking using a translator editor like PoEdit. Our plugin is also compatible with the LocoTranslate and PolyLang plugins for translation.
Where is the .POT file located?

The POT file is located in the ‘/wp-content/plugins/miniorange-otp-verification/lang ‘ folder of your WordPress directory.

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