
How to reset credentials entered for Git Authentication in the local machine?

58496 views June 6, 2021 8


    • Press Window button and search for Credential Manager and open it.

    • You’ll see two tabs – Web credentials and Window Credential, select Window Credentials.
    • Under generic credentials section, identify your git credentials, it will be in format as git:@
    • Expand the section and click on remove.

  • Now try to perform Git Login. It will prompt you for username and password.

Mac OS:

    • Find and open the Utilities folder located in the Application folder.
    • Open the Keychain Access tool.

    • On the bottom-left-hand side of the Keychain Access tool window, select the Passwords tab.

    • Right-click on the desired entry from the list of saved credentials and select Delete “[Name]”.
    • Your Mac will ask you to confirm if you want to delete the selected item from Keychain Access. Click Delete.

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