
Update license on the miniOrange OnPremise IDP

416 views March 11, 2024 2

Following these steps to update your On-Premise License:

    If your On-premise server version is below 3.8. Follow these steps:

    1. Stop your IDP Server.
    2. Visit your server directory. [Where the IDP is deployed]
    3. Go to moas\WEB-INF\classes.
    4. Replace the license file with the updated license file. [the file has no extensions, only the name license]
    5. Start the Server.
    6. Go to /<Server_Base_URL> initialize in a browser to load the latest license changes.

    If your On-premise server version is 3.8 and above. Follow these steps:

    1. Login to the Admin Dashboard and go to the License section.
    2.     miniOrange admin dashboard click on License

    3. Click on the Update License Button. This will open a new modal where the updated license file has to be selected. Browser for the license file and click on Validate License.
    4.     Click on Update License button

    5. If a correct license file is provided, you should be able to see the details extracted from the license file on the next screen where the expiry date as well as no. of users.
    6. Once the license is validated, the admin can apply for the new license by clicking on the Update License button.
    7.     Validate the license then click Update License

    8. Once the license is applied, the admin will be redirected to the license page where the details for the license will be shown.
    9.     miniOrange admin dashboard shown the license details in license page

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