OTP Verification

What is SMS Gateway? How do I use my own gateway with the OTP Verification plugin?

30634 views September 21, 2023 43

What is SMS Gateway Provider?

An SMS or Email Gateway is a system that allows users to send or receive SMS or Email messages. A SMS or Email Gateway Provider is a company that provides such a service at a cost.

In order to use your own SMS and Email Gateway with the plugin you will need to upgrade our premium plans Custom Gateway Plan , Twilio Gateway Plan , EnterPrise Plan or WooCommerce OTP & Notification plan.
Note: SMS Transaction will be purchased from third party SMS gateway.


How do I use my own SMS Gateway with the plugin? 

After upgrading to the premium plan Download & Install premium plugin and then follow the below steps:

  • Go to the Gateway Settings tab.
  • Select Gateway Request Type in dropdown.

  • Select SMS Gateway URL Method and enter the Gateway URL.
  • After that click on the Save Settings button.


Note: Follow this set up guide to configure Twilio SMS Gateway with the plugin.

How do I use my own Email Gateway with the plugin? 

If you have your own Email or SMTP Gateway and have configured it on your WordPress site then no further configurations are required on your end. The premium plugin will use those settings to send out OTP Emails to users automatically.


If you have any further queries, please contact us using the support form in the plugin or email us at mfasupport@xecurify.com. We will help you resolve the issue.

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